Erin Murphy
Director, Special Projects
As of December 2017, Erin Murphy is the Interim Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President of Finance, Facilities, and Technology Services. As Administrative Support Manager in College Advancement & Economic Development at Long Beach Community College District (LBCCD) since 2011, Ms. Murphy was responsible for managing special projects, conducting specialized studies, communicating information and interpreting program policies and procedures for staff and the public, and providing administrative support. She also assisted with the logistics and operations of delivering the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses and Innovation Fund SoCal programs at LBCC. A participant in the inaugural LBCC LEAD Academy in Fall 2015, she is currently in the Leadership Alliance Academy 2017-18 and also serving a two-year term as Secretary of the LBCC Management Association.
Prior to joining the team at LBCCD in March 2011, Ms. Murphy worked for seven years as an Executive Assistant to the President & CEO at the Downtown Long Beach Associates (now the Downtown Long Beach Alliance, DLBA), which also included serving as secretary to the Board of Directors in compliance with the Brown Act. The DLBA is a non-profit organization responsible for managing the business and property-based improvement districts in Downtown Long Beach and providing marketing, events, economic development, advocacy, and clean and safe services for the benefit of approximately 2,000 business and property owners, as well as for Downtown residents and visitors.
A Southern California native, Ms. Murphy earned an Associate of Arts degree from Rancho Santiago Community College District and Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in English from California State University, Fullerton. As an MA candidate at CSUF, she was an instructor of record for composition classes and tutored in the Writing Center. She subsequently spent three years as a doctoral candidate and Teaching Associate in the English and Textual Studies department at Syracuse University before returning to Southern California to work with the business community. From 2010 to 2017, she volunteered at the Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, caring for sick and injured seals and sea lions. Her hobbies include reading, tai chi, yoga, traveling, and singing in the Evening Jazz Choir at LBCC.