Bond Program FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions from the Community
Who do I contact if I have a question concerning a LBCCD construction project?
You can also email your question to
For safety issues concerning a current construction project,
contact the Bond Management Office at (562) 938-5061. An annual
Construction Update Newsletter is issued and mailed to the
residents of the District and is posted here.
What is the Bond Management Team (BMT), and what is their role?
The Bond Management Team (BMT) is made up of program and construction management professionals from Cordoba Corporation and their sub-consultants. They manage the projects for the college by participating in budget and program development and administering the procurement of design and construction services to execute the plans of the Measure E and Measure LB Bond Program and other State funded projects.
What is Measure E and Measure LB?
Measure E is a $440 million bond issue that over 73% of the voters approved on February 5, 2008. Measure LB is a $850 million bond issue that over 63% of the voters approved on June 7, 2016. Both bond measures fund new construction, renovation and repairs at the Pacific Coast Campus and the Liberal Arts Campus.
Can the bond money from Measure E and Measure LB be used for District employee salaries?
No, by law proceeds from the bond can only be used for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of college facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of college facilities, or lease of real property for college facilities, and not for teacher or administrator salaries and/or other operating expenses.
What is the Citizens’ Oversight Committee and what do they do?
The Citizens’ Oversight Committee is an all-volunteer group with the mission to oversee the expenditure of money for the construction, repair, and modernization of facilities by LBCCD and to communicate its findings to the Board and the public so that bond funds are utilized as the voters intended and that projects are completed wisely and efficiently.
How are members selected for the Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC)?
The Citizens’ Oversight Committee consists of a minimum of nine (9) members appointed by the Board of Trustees. A member from each of the following is represented on the committee:
- One (1) student enrolled in the District and active in a community college support group.
- One (1) member active in the local business community.
- One (1) member active in a senior citizen’s organization.
- One (1) member active in a bona-fide taxpayers association.
- One (1) member active in a support organization for the college.
- Four (4) members of the community at large appointed by the Board.
Interested candidates must be at least 18 years of age and reside within LBCCD’s geographic boundary. The candidate may not be an employee, official, vendor, contractor or consultant of the District. Each member serves a term of two (2) years beginning July 1, and no member may serve more than three consecutive terms.
When and where does the Citizens’ Oversight Committee meet?
The meetings are open to the public and held semi-annually in Building T on the Liberal Arts Campus. Click on this link for a schedule of COC meetings.
When and how many of the bonds were sold?
The bonds from the 2008 Measure E were sold in several series over time as follows:
- Series A was sold in July 2008 for $48.4 million
- Bond Anticipation Notes were issued in January 2010 totaling $150 million and repaid as scheduled in January 2013
- Series B was sold in December 2012 for $237 million
- Series D was sold in August 2016 for $3.2 million
The bonds from Measure LB were sold in several series over time as follows:
- Series A was sold in August 2016 for $80.8 million
What are the projects being funded with the proceeds from the bond?
Information about current and completed bond projects is available via the following links:
What is a Master Plan, and has it been completed?
A Master Plan is a comprehensive, long-term outline of capital projects required to meet the current and future needs of the District. The 2041 Facilities Master Plan for LBCCD was prepared by Facilities Planning & Program Services, Inc. (“FPPS”).
How do I find out if a particular building on campus is being considered for renovation?
View the Master Plan & Overall Construction Phasing.
Frequently Asked Questions from Faculty and Staff
Who do I contact about projects being considered in my building?
Contact your Representative on the Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC). Click here to view the FAC membership. The FAC receives updates on all construction projects. The Representative’s responsibilities include relaying information between Departments and the Committee.
How will I get information concerning projects being done in my building?
BMT works closely with the Deans/Directors, the Facilities Department, and the District’s Administration to provide you with any necessary information. Periodic updates will be issued through the Community Relations & Marketing Department. Your Representative on the Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) is a good source of information. Also, Construction Alerts are issued through District wide emails and posted on bond program website.
When renovation starts on my building, who will handle the move process?
BMT will coordinate with the Dean/Director to manage the move process and guide you in making all the necessary arrangements.
Our department will be moving into a new building and requires new furniture. How do we go about selecting and purchasing the furniture?
When the time comes, your department will be contacted by a BMT Project Manager, in conjunction with the Contracting & Procurement Department, and they will coordinate and manage all furniture and equipment purchases.