Personnel Commission FAQs


What is the function of the Personnel Commission?

The California Education Code (Section 88076) provides the Personnel Commission with the right and the responsibility to “classify all employees and positions within the jurisdiction” of the Commission, as part of the Classified Service. The Commission is charged to develop, amend and interpret such rules and regulations “as may be necessary to ensure the efficiency of the service and the selection and retention of employees on the basis of merit and fitness” (Section 88080).

How are Commissioners chosen?

Similar to the Board of Trustees, the Personnel Commission is responsible for the administration of the District Classified Service. Unlike the Board members, the Personnel Commission is an appointed body which serves 3-year terms. One Commissioner is appointed by the Board of Trustees, one commissioner is appointed by the Representative Union, and the third commissioner is appointed by both the Board of Trustees and the Representative Union appointees.

What is the merit system?

The merit system is a system of rules and procedures, similar to civil service, which governs classified school personnel. It is intended to provide the District with a fair process to select the most qualified candidates for each of our positions.

What is the function of the merit system?

The Merit System ensures that employees are selected, promoted and retained on basis of merit and fitness and adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Establishes published rules and regulations governing employment practices.
  • Provides open competition to initial appointments.
  • Bases staffing selection solely upon applicant qualifications
  • Ensures like-pay for like-work.
  • Provides fair and impartial treatment in all aspects of personnel administration

How long has LBCCD/LBCC been a part of the merit system?

The merit system was broadly established in many school systems in 1965. The Long Beach Community College District has been a part of this system merit as a separate community college since the mid-1970s and was previously a part of the merit system since 1936, having previously been a part of the Long Beach Unified School District.

How does the Personnel Commission administer the merit system?

The Personnel Commission administers the merit system through the Rules and Regulations of the Classified Service, a system of 571 individual regulations covering all aspects of classified employment practices. The rules are derived from the Education Code and the California Government Code and are continually updated reflect current law and policy.

Which employees are served by the merit system?

In all, 241 separate classifications and over 400 positions are part of the classified service. These include members of several different subcategories:

  • Classified bargaining unit employees represented by AFT
  • Classified confidential employees
  • Classified managers and supervisors
  • Classified administrators