GPS Charge
Subcommittee Functions & Responsibilities



Communicate with the college community about the goals of Guided Pathways as defined by external agencies and report on the progress made on metrics and KPIs related to implementation efforts

Assist in the coordination of annual updates and information required by external agencies, such as the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, by:

  • Creating/utilizing systematic method(s) for collecting updates in writing
  • Coordinating presentations from key stakeholders
  • Collecting pertinent data points from high-level activities (e.g., College Day, State of the College, VP Level Planning, etc.)

Review and contribute to the annual report to the Chancellor’s Office

Support the implementation of strategies in alignment with the four pillars, which are EXPLORE – Clarify the Path, LAUNCH – Enter the Path, NAVIGATE – Stay on the Path, LAND – Ensure Learning

Review and promote guided pathways briefs, webinars, literature for the college community

Provide recommendations on monthly presentations by key stakeholders involved in guided pathways efforts

Survey constituent groups regarding guided pathways efforts and/or understanding