Instruction to Remain Mostly Online for Spring 2021

Press Release
Students at PCC

Long Beach City College officials have announced that Spring 2021 semester classes will be conducted mostly online. The Spring semester will take place Feb. 8 – June 9, 2021.

The College has kept both campuses closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, holding the remainder of Spring, Summer intersession, and the current Fall 2020 semester primarily online.

Selected essential laboratory classes for Fall are currently being held on campus under strict social distance and safety guidelines. It is expected that the Spring 2021 semester, Feb. 8 – June 9, 2021, will be the same with some labs in-person, but a full class schedule of online offerings.

The Spring class schedule is scheduled to be released Sept. 28 and open registration will begin Nov. 16, after currently enrolled students register. Details on class offerings and registration will be available on the College’s website at

Plans for the 2021 Commencement Ceremony will be announced during the Spring 2021 semester.

About Long Beach City College
Long Beach City College consists of two campuses with an enrollment of over 35,000 students each semester and serves the cities of Long Beach, Lakewood, Signal Hill, and Avalon. LBCC promotes equitable student learning and achievement, academic excellence, and workforce development by delivering high quality educational programs and support services to our diverse communities. Visit for more information about Long Beach City College.


Stacey Toda,
Director of Communications & Community Engagement
Long Beach City College
(562) 938-4004