About the Department
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Long Beach City
College prepares students to develop the skills of reading,
writing, speaking, and listening in order to reach their academic
and vocational goals. ESL program services include placement
testing, counseling, registration assistance, and academic
instruction. This program seeks to reflect and serve the needs of
a growing and changing student population. The American Sign
Language and Deaf Studies Program at Long Beach City College
offers formal transfer requirement courses in American Sign
Language and Deaf Culture. It is designed to teach students
to communicate effectively in American Sign Language, to educate
about the many facets of Deaf culture, and to encourage
participation in the Deaf community. The mission of the
Linguistics program at LBCC is to provide students with
discipline-specific skills and knowledge for transfer to a 4-year
college or university. Since language in some form lies at
the root of most human activities, commitment to a strong
linguistics program is critical to the college’s mission to
“promote equitable student learning and achievement, academic
excellence, and workforce development by delivering high-quality
educational programs and support services to our diverse
communities. The ESL, ASL, and Linguistics Department provides
access to all campus programs and services and prepares students
to meet academic, vocational and personal goals.