Wellness Committee Hosting Series of Sound Baths

A girl plays Tibetan singing bowls.

The Wellness Committee is hosting a Sound Bath, and you’re warmly invited! Imagine a spa day for your senses, where melodic vibrations from musical bowls take the place of a massage, washing over you and melting away stress. It’s a good time to hit the reset button, loosen up, and prioritize some well-deserved self-care.

Join them Thurs., March 20 from 1 – 2 p.m. in T-1200, LAC. RSVP here. Contact wellness@lbcc.edu for details.

Future offerings will be April 17 and May 15. Contact wellness@lbcc.edu for details.

If you require Sign language interpreting services or Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services , please contact the event contact person and Stephanie Bonales at least 72 hours prior to the event at (562) 938-4918 or sbonales@lbcc.edu.

If you require Sign language interpreting services, please contact the event contact person and Rebecca Lucas at rlucas@lbcc.edu at least 5 business days prior to the event.

If you require Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services, please contact the event contact person and Elizabeth Perez-Rodriguez at cart@lbcc.edu at least 5 business days prior to the event. *Please note requests are based on provider availability*