In the Loop (Employee)


Building Resiliency After Trauma Workshop March 27

In partnership with the Wave Trauma Centre, Student Equity, Human Resources, Faculty Professional Development, and Student Affairs, LBCC is offering: Building Resiliency After Trauma with Dr. Paul Gallagher, 10 – 11:30 a.m., Thurs., March 27 via zoom.

Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Attendees will be provided with an overview of sociological and psychological theories of the impact of trauma on the family system.

Traditional Khmer apsara dancers

RSVP for April 6 Cambodia Town Parade

You and your family are invited to walk with the Long Beach City College entry in the Cambodia Town Parade on Sun., April 6 in the heart of Long Beach’s Cambodia Town. Click here to RSVP. The parade begins at 10 a.m. followed by a Festival at MacArthur Park on Anaheim Street.


‘Springtime for Jabandestra!’ Concert – Fri., March 21

The LBCC Wind Ensemble (Brian Hamilton – Conductor), LBCC Big Band (Pat Sheng – Director) and LBCC Symphony Orchestra (Roger Przytulski – Conductor) will perform the sequel to the Fall Concert that featured a combination of Jazz, Band, & Orchestra. 

Join them at 7 p.m., on Fri., March 21 in the Ellis Auditorium (Building J). Ticket info may be found here. For more information, email


OLET Hosting Workshops

The Online Learning & Educational Technology (OLET) Department is hosting workshops and drop-in sessions for all colleagues through out spring semester. Check out the workshop schedule here.

Free registration offer

Register for the Free Ethnic Studies Summit
Sat., April 19, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., LAC- T-1200

The LBCC History, Political Science, and Ethnic Studies Dept./Reading and Teacher Preparation Dept./Labor Center/Student Equity/Faculty Professional Development invite you to an Ethnic Studies Summit, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sat., April 19.

Free and open to the public, including lunch and parking. Learn about Ethnic Studies, culturally relevant teaching and education advocacy by registering here.

A girl plays Tibetan singing bowls.

Wellness Committee Hosting Series of Sound Baths

The Wellness Committee is hosting a Sound Bath, and you’re warmly invited! Imagine a spa day for your senses, where melodic vibrations from musical bowls take the place of a massage, washing over you and melting away stress. It’s a good time to hit the reset button, loosen up, and prioritize some well-deserved self-care.

Restaurant and cafe icons set on white background

Food Service Extended Hours

Food service hours have been extended at the following locations:

LAC Viking Express (Building T)
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 am – 7:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am – 3:00 pm

TTC Café (Building GG)
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 am – 7:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Red Cards Available to Order with Reprographics

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has business card sized templates of Red Cards to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents are present.

Learn more about the red cards here and order sets in various languages with your campus C# account through Reprographics (please indicate what language you would like printed). They are printed in sets of 250.

Daily plans

Are You Organizing an Event on Campus? Updated Cart Services Language

Please make sure you include this language on your flyer:

If you require sign language interpreting services, please contact [EVENT CONTACT NAME/EVENT CONTACT INFO] and Rebecca Lucas at at least 5 business days prior to the event.

Updated as of February, 2025

If you require Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services, please contact [EVENT CONTACT NAME/EVENT CONTACT INFO] and Elizabeth Perez-Rodriguez and at least 5 business days prior to the event. *Please note requests are based on provider availability*


Congratulations to the Child Development Centers!

Both LBCC Child Development Centers have received the highest possible rating of 5 from Quality Start Los Angeles. QSLA is Los Angeles’ county-wide Quality Improvement System (QIS) designed to empower early learning providers to build upon and improve the quality of care they provide to children ages birth to five.  Achieving a 5 is the highest possible score, and a monumental accomplishment!


Integrated Support Solutions (ISSI) Launches Campus Catering

The Integrated Support Solutions (ISSI) catering service for LBCC is available , will be going live February 3 with a limited menu, and they can’t wait to assist the college community. When placing a catering order with them for your campus events, please keep these key notes in mind:

  • 7-day-in-advance policy 
  • PO number is required before accepting any orders
  • For external events (no LBCC business), it can only be paid via credit card.

To place catering orders go to: ISSI Catering. Catering email: Feel free to call them at ext. 5950.

2024-2025 Theatre and Music Season Pass

Season Pass on Sale Now for 24-25 Performing Arts Season

The LBCC Performing Arts Department and Associated Student Body are proud to present an opportunity to become a 2024-2025 Theatre and Music Season Pass Holder!

A $195 value for only $60 will get you access to instrumental and vocal concerts, theatre performances, and more!


Free Yoga Wednesdays Update
Every Wednesday, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m., LAC

All are welcome to participate in the Free Yoga class that will be held from 12 to 1 p.m.

  • Wednesdays, through March 26: indoors in Q113, LAC.

All are welcome! To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, try to arrive 10 minutes early. Be prepared to present your signed waiver on your mobile device upon arrival and bring a yoga mat/towel, and water. Yoga mats will not be provided. 

LBCC logo

LBCC District Letterhead Updated

Please note that the District Letterhead has been updated and can be located on the LBCC Forms Portal in “Mail and Reprographic Services.” Enter “letterhead” in the form name search. Please discard any previous versions of the letterhead stationery.

"In the Heights" show promotion flyer

Last Chance to Catch LBCC’s Production of ‘In the Heights’
March 14, 15, 16 -LAC- Barbara Ellis Auditorium

LBCC’s Department of Performing Arts and ASB will present the Tony-Winning Best Musical “In the Heights” at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 14 & 15 and Sunday, March 16 at 2 p.m., in the Bob and Barbara Ellis Auditorium (LAC, Bldg. J).

FREE to LBCC students (with current ASB sticker).

To purchase tickets on-line, go to:


Hope Restored: Justice Scholars Student Exhibition

Running now through March 22 in the K Building Art Gallery of LAC, “Hope Restored” is devoted to giving a voice and visibility to the incarcerated population. Sharing stories of transformation and redemption, to make a connection with the public, to inspire, motivate, and humanize both people on the inside and the outside. Exhibition curated by Alberto Lule and Summer Berna.

LBCC - LAC - A quad topdown shot

Campus Safety Escort Program Reminder

The Campus Safety Escort Program is available to the campus community during the winter term, Monday through Friday, from 6 pm to 11 pm to provide a safe, reliable, and time-efficient way to get around campus during the evening. To request an escort, please call (562) 938-4100.


Trauma Informed Approach Framework at LBCC

Realizing the impact of trauma on our student population and the effect secondary trauma has on our faculty, staff, and administration, LBCC is committed to recognizing signs of trauma in all community members and responding appropriately with evidenced-based strategies for building resilience and growth. LBCC aims to reduce community re-traumatization through training and workshops that have been recorded for you to watch at your convenience.

calendar Calendars

25 Live Event Calendar
For Faculty & Staff