LBUSD Cyber Security Programs
- Coordinate with LBUSD schools to develop cybersecurity programs in their schools
- Develop student interest in cybersecurity careers
- Fund student registration in cybersecurity competitions
- Provide training to foster student success in cybersecurity competitions
- Start students on the path to earning their degree at LBCC while teaching them in demand skills
LBUSD Cybersecurity Programs Presentation
COSS 680: Cybersecurity Competition Fundamentals
Zero Credit, Dual Enrollment Course Registration is now open for Spring 2023. Anticipate a hybrid class that will be held both on campus and online on Saturday mornings.
- The class will start in February 2023, details TBD.
- Visit Schedule of Classes for course details.
National Cyber League (NCL)
National Cyber League (NCL) is a Capture-the-Flag competition, which Includes training resources to go along with the challenges.
LBCC will pay the NCL registration fee for students enrolled in COSS 680. (NCL is open to college, high school, and middle school students)
- Registration will start in February 2023
- The competition runs through April 2023
CyberPatriot Team Registration
CyberPatriot is a cyber defense competition that teaches students how to securely configure operating systems and networks.
Team registration begins in April 2023
A teacher or parent from each school will be required to register as a team coach.
- The coach will register the team with CyberPatriot
- LBCC will pay for the registration fee
CyberPatriot Team/Coach Registration Instructions
Competition begins in Fall 2023
CyberPatriot - CyberCamps
Two CyberCamps (One Basic and One Advanced) will be held in Summer of 2023.
- Each camp will be Monday through Friday
- Dates & Times TBD
- Plan is for hybrid camps, online and on-campus.
The cost of CyberCamps will be paid for by LBCC.
Camp size is limited.
- Priority enrollment will be given to students from COSS 680.
CyberPatriot Competitions
Training to support students throughout the competition will be provided through COSS 680.
Students will need to register for the Fall section of COSS 680.
(Further details will be provided in Spring 2023 when the Fall 2023 registration opens)
Competition begins in Fall 2023
Priority is given to students who are registered in COSS 680.
We need to identify teachers or parents who can serve as the team coach for CyberPatriot. Those interested in serving as a coach can contact Professor John Sicklick at (562) 938-5525 or email