Communication Studies


Communication Studies

Communication is the key to success in our professional and personal lives and is at the very heart of what it means to be human. Effective communication is what enables us to thrive in an inclusive and compassionate society and to make a positive impact in our relationships, workplaces, and communities. Through experience-based learning, the Department of Communication Studies is dedicated to equipping students with the multi-faceted skills necessary to confidently confront communication challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing world.

The Department of Communication Studies offers courses and hands-on learning opportunities needed to excel academically, professionally, and personally. Students develop practical skills in a wide range of disciplinary traditions including; public speaking, leadership, critical thinking, communication theory, communication and social media, and performance. Additionally, students will enhance their ability to communicate effectively in interpersonal, intercultural, and small-group contexts. The Communication Studies curriculum is designed to prepare students to become highly effective communicators capable of succeeding in any major or profession.


(Communication Studies 4th Annual Student Showcase May 18, 2023 )


Communication Studies 2.0, Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T)
Communication Studies, Associate in Arts (AA)

View all LBCC’s Programs of Study and Curriculum Guides.
(New students need to refer to the current academic year for the most up-to-date info) 

Receiving a Degree/Certificate Class Schedule Make an Appointment


By earning a Communication Studies Associate Degree at LBCC, you will:

  • Develop practical oral and written communication skills.
  • Apply leadership and critical thinking to real world challenges. 
  • Engage in professional, experiential learning opportunities.
  • Improve your marketing and hiring prospects.

Start your career as a professional and/or specialist in the areas below!

  • Advertising and Promotions Managers
  • Agents and Business Managers
  • College Alumni Officer
  • Editors and Copy Writers
  • Health Educator
  • Meeting/Event Planner
  • Merchandiser
  • Non-Profit Administrator
  • Program Directors
  • Public Affairs Coordinator
  • Public Relations Specialists
  • Reporters and Correspondents
  • Sales Representative
  • Social Media Manager
  • Speechwriter
  • Sports Agent
To explore potential jobs in this field of study, we strongly urge you to visit LBCC Career Center. Working with a career counselor, we will assess your strengths, skills, interests, and accomplishments to help you identify internship opportunities and career goals that match your educational and professional needs.


Want to learn about the various Academic and Professional paths available to Communication Studies majors?

Reach out to one of our Academic Advisors. We also offer an annual “Careers in Communication Studies Workshop”.

Who are the Communication Studies Counselors & Academic Advisors?


Are you curious about the kinds of communication and performance skills you will learn in our Communication Studies courses?

Check out our most recent Communication Studies Department Student Showcase videos!

Does Communication Studies have an Honors Program?

Currently, the Communication Studies Program offers an Honors class in Public Speaking (COMM 10/10H).

What professional organizations can I join?