Equity Innovation Grant


Equity Innovation Grant

In June 2021, Long Beach City College received a tremendously generous gift of $30 million from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. The award was given in recognition of LBCC’s leadership and transformative work in responding to the College’s changing demographics, closing equity gaps, and work in racial justice. LBCC also intensified its race-conscious efforts and adopted the Long Beach Framework of Reconciliation in Support of the Black Community to address the College’s own institutional racism that may hinder students of color from success. These actions were in response to the protests that took place in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and others in the Black community in the summer of 2020.

The unrestricted gift was prioritized for initiatives that:

  • Improve student academic outcomes by addressing racial equity gaps
  • Engage in race-conscious and equity-minded practices that promote an inclusive and affirming campus environment
  • Increase holistic support services for our most vulnerable students

As a result, after consultations with community members, faculty, and staff it was decided that $3 million of the funding would be earmarked for Equity Innovation Grants aimed at addressing one or more of LBCC’s equity metrics. The first round of Equity Innovation Grants was awarded for AY2023-24 in coordination with the Student Equity Subcommittee.  Five projects were selected for up to three years of funding each.  LBCC’s Office of Innovation provides oversight for the Equity Innovation Grants.

  • Math and English 1st (ME 1st): an innovative collaboration between Math and English faculty to support students in completing essential courses in their first year.
  • MANA: support to establish a learning community dedicated to building cultural and educational experiences for Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi students, as well as for students interested in learning about these cultures.
  • Equity Congress: an innovative year-long leadership program that allows LBCC faculty (full-time & part-time) to delve deeper into what equity means and what it looks like.
  • Study Abroad: support for more students to access unique and life-changing study abroad opportunities.
  • Campus Engagement: a program to support campus engagement and academic success for undocumented students.

LBCC is preparing for a second round of Equity Innovation Grants.  More information will be available in Spring 2025.

The purpose of this grant is to advance innovation and large-scale change in alignment with equity-rooted institutional priorities. Priority was given to programs or initiatives that will significantly affect equity and inclusion on campus.