Emerging Technologies
A PURPOSEFUL approach towards academic technology


Strategic Plan Objectives:

4.15  Integrate technology that is designed for students to facilitate the achievement of their educational and career goals.
4.16  Expand the use of the Learning Management System to support learning in all courses.
4.18  Continue to implement educational technologies that support student-paced learning and feedback.
4.19  Adopt and support faculty and students’ use of open education resources.

Accreditation Standards

3C.1  Technology services, professional support, facilities, hardware, and software are appropriate and adequate to support the institution’s management and operational functions, academic programs, teaching and learning, and support services.
3C.2  The institution continuously plans for, updates and replaces technology to ensure its technological infrastructure, quality and capacity are adequate to support its mission, operations, programs, and services.
3C.5  The institution has policies and procedures that guide the appropriate use of technology in the teaching and learning processes.


  1. Implementation & support for LBCC’s Learning Management System (LMS):
    1. Adopt Canvas as the exclusive LMS.
    2. Evaluate, test, and integrate instructional resources and technologies within LMS (such as: Apps, plugins, publishers, Aleks, Cengage, Turnitin, Cranium Café, Starfish/Early Alert, & more). [EM, SEP]
    3. Support Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and disaggregated data collection integration with LMS. [SEP]
  2. Open Educational Resources (OER)
    1. Support student success through the development and promotion of OER, ZTC, LTC. [EM]
    2. Develop low-cost educational opportunities such as Zero Textbook Cost degrees (Z-degrees). [EM]
    3. Work with Academic Services to flag Zero Textbook Cost sections in the class schedule.
  3. Adopt a more systematic and rigorous approach to examine, implement, promote, scale, standardize, and support college-wide emerging technology initiatives and participation in statewide technology initiatives:
    1. Support teaching excellence and student success through the use of Adaptive Technologies, Innovative Classrooms, Cloud Tools, & more [SEP]
    2. In alignment with CCC Chancellor’s Office Systemwide Technology Initiatives, continue to implement:
      • CCC Online Education Initiatives (OEI) [EM]
      • CCC Education Planning Initiative (EPI) [SEP]
      • CCC Library Services Project (LSP), Integrated Library System (ILS)
    3. Develop policies, regulations, standards, and processes for evaluating, prioritizing, implementing and centralizing educational technology initiatives & resources.
    4. Provide focused faculty, staff, and student support services for emerging technologies.
  4. Adopt a more systematic and rigorous approach to examine, implement, promote, scale, and support Online Education and participation in statewide initiatives:
    1. Support the development of online pathways in alignment with statewide Guided Pathways efforts. [EM]
    2. Support the increase of online and hybrid course and program offerings. [EM, SEP]
    3. Utilize strategies and techniques from the Online Educational Initiative (OEI) for increasing success for online students, with the goal of eliminating student equity gaps. [EM]
    4. Develop polices, regulations, standards, and processes for evaluating, prioritizing, implementing, and supporting faculty and student online learning needs.
    5. Support and enhance awareness/training on various modes of instruction (face-to-face, blended, flipped classrooms, hybrid, fully-online). [SEP]
  5. Continue to provide professional development opportunities that support expertise in educational technologies and program innovation. [EM]

[EM]: Enrollment Management Plan
[SEP]: Student Equity Plan