Press Releases

Press Release

Laptops Gifted to 100 Incoming LBCC Students

The Long Beach Center for Economic Inclusion (LBCEI) presented Long Beach City College (LBCC) a donation of 100 Chromebook laptop computers for LBCC students on Mon., June 22 as part of the citywide #InThisTogetherLB pandemic emergency response campaign.

Together, LBCEI and LBCC distributed the 100 Chromebooks during an event at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library to incoming LBCC students who live in North Long Beach.

Press Release

LBCC 2020 Commencement Moves to June 12

Long Beach City College rescheduled and revised its annual Commencement exercises as a virtual ceremony to take place on Fri., June 12, 2020 at 5 p.m. Local chef and LBCC alumnus, Visoth Tarak Ouk, better known as Chef T, will serve as the 2020 Commencement keynote speaker.